Thursday, October 10, 2019

Vaping Illness Epidemic

In the past few years, what we know as vaping, which was to be a replacement for cigarettes, has become a daily practical thing for teens today. It has become more addictive over the years and now is taking a toll on many people's lives. Erika Edwards, professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology wrote about vaping in an article on NBC. She started to explain how lung illnesses have become tied to vaping. Vaping is getting so bad that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been 1,299 cases in 49 states relating to lung illnesses. What is worst is that 70 percent are male, 80 percent being under 35, and 76 percent of the patients report THC vaping as written by Edwards. The main reason why it has become an addiction for young people, based on addiction experts, is because of the flavors, which hooks them on the nicotine in the first place.

Being a college student, I can say that the main reason why vaping is so popular is because of the flavors. Also, it is the need for people to fit in with the current trend. So many times, young people see things that look fun and there drawn to follow what the crowd is doing. Vaping has become the popular trend and now it is becoming a very serious issue. Today, is doesn't seem like the trend with slow down, nor does the issues dealing with lung illnesses.

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