Thursday, October 31, 2019

Impact of E-Cigarettes

Tobacco has been around for so long, being introduced to Europeans on October 15 in 1492. Along the way, many innovative ideas surrounding tobacco began to arise, one huge idea being cigarettes. Cigarettes, or the first commercial cigarettes, were created in 1865 by Washington Duke, a well-known American tobacco Industrialist, on his farm in Raleigh, North Carolina. However, not until around 1881 did cigarettes become widespread due to the cigarette-making machine that American inventor James Bonsack created. Overtime, people wanted to modernize the cigarettes by developing nicotine aerosol devices before 1963 in China.

The first reference of these devices was by Joseph Robinson in 1927. In time, this lead to the invention of what we know today as e-cigarettes, which was invented in 2003 by Hon Lik, a Chinese Pharmacist. His purpose for creating the e-cigarette was to provide a safer and harmless method of smoking by using hot, moist, and flavored air as a way to replace the burning tobacco and the paper. In the beginning, the electronic cigarettes were meant only for current cigarette smokers. But the early adopters of the product were teens, which translated into approximately 1.3 million additional adolescents who vaped in 2018 according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Surprisingly, people who already smoked cigarettes were the late majority and late adopters in receiving the ideas. The tipping point is when the popularity of vapes, which are the flavored electronic smoking devices, came into the picture and began to grow. It has been around since 1963, but it has really sky-rocketed more than ever. Now today, the only people who would not even think about using a e-cigarettes are non-smokers who are older. They had more sense of the problematic outbreak that e-cigarettes would have and that's why they've stayed away from it.

Image result for e-cigarettes

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