Friday, September 13, 2019

User of Facebook Phone Numbers Still Online

Over the years, Facebook has been known as the company that uses the public's private information from their email address to phone numbers as a way to screen ads that will be specifically for what the user may like or have interest in. Due to this, Facebook has become an ongoing issue, especially concerning the government as well. Though they are just claims and Facebook has denied the claims many times, an article just came out about how a facebook user's phone number was found still in an unprotected database by a cybersecurity researcher in the UK named Elliott Murray. According to the source, Murray explained that this informational data could be the same data Facebook admitted to erasing from their public database. A lack of security has been a continuous issue relating to companies who don't have enough expertise to move databases online securely. After so much unconsented exposure to partnered companies of these big businesses like Facebook, they have began to crack down on what needs to be shared. Though Facebook denies that they had any hand in the problem, data continues to be breached and they are becoming more like scams.

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